Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pants/Shorts made out of T-Shirts

Mark and I have quite a few old T-shirts that we no longer use (some that we have never used) and I have them in a bag in our downstairs closet.  They were originally brought down so I could make rag rugs, however they have been sitting in there for quite a few months alongside an unfinished rug.  I ran across this post from Rookie Moms that shows you how to make baby/toddler pants out of old T-shirts.  I bookmarked it forever ago and for some reason, I felt like pulling out my sewing machine today, so I pulled this back up and gave it a go. 

I made the "pants" for Nick using his superman pants as my guide.  I tried them on him when he got up from his nap, little did I know that the kid has grown out of them in the last week or so, which means I am going to have to make them into shorts.  That boy is growing way to fast.  I, also, did a pair of shorts for Ellie, but I don't have the right width of elastic, so I am going to have to complete them tomorrow.  I think I might try one more pair tonight, before I go to bed.  I am not one who sews, so if I can do it, anyone can do it.  I suggest giving it a try if you have little ones.  It's a great way to recycle and it will save a few bucks on new pajama pants/shorts.

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