Friday, April 22, 2011

Elizabeth's Blanket

I feel kinda bad about not posting for a while, so I am going to add a quick post on Elizabeth's blanket that I made for her for Christmas.  I am working on Totoro, which I should finish soon.  I have a couple of other things I need to finish as well...but, we have been busy around here, so I haven't been able to much in the crochet department in the last couple of weeks.  Okay...Ellie's blanket....

I was cruising the internet and found this pattern and thought it looked pretty, so I kept it in the back of my mind and I may have bookmarked it for future use.  My mom sent me some yarn for little miss and I started looking for a pattern...then I remembered this one.  So, I pulled it up, printed it out, and got started.  I told Ellie that it was for Nonna, then boxed it up for Christmas...she LOVES it!!  It is a very pretty pattern and it is easy once you get into the blanket a little way.  I did have to keep referring to the pattern at first, because the repeat isn't the same for every row.  This one, also, took me a little while to complete, but it was so worth it.  I actually want to make another one in a different color and fiber.  If you want to try it, the pattern is here.


  1. I really love the pattern of this blanket! Looks comfy too.

    I love how you always say you were "cruising" the internet :p

    Oh and Miyazaki is awesome, although My Neighbor Totoro wasn't my one of my favorites of his. Cant wait to see what you're doing with it!

  2. Thanks, it is one of my favorite patterns!

    Miyazaki is the BEST! I will be posting on that one soon! He is almost done.
